Doctor Park Society, Sector 4C, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201012

Every child is like a seed who has the potential to grow if it is nourished with love and care under the right guidance. In the current challenging time, it is essential that children should not only excel in academics, but should also develop courtesy, discipline, positive personality, be socially sensitive and imbibed.

Our commitment to academic brilliance, character building, and a supportive learning environment ensures a transformative educational journey for each student.

At Bishop Patrick Nair St. Mary’s Christian School, we strive to inspire curiosity, instill values, and prepare students for a future of success. I encourage active participation from students, parents, and faculty in our shared mission of creating empowered and responsible individuals.

At Bishop Patrick Nair St. Mary’s Christian School, our mission is to provide a holistic education that goes beyond textbooks. We believe in nurturing intellect, character, resilience, and a sense of responsibility. Our dedicated faculty, modern infrastructure, and a diverse range of extracurricular activities are tailored to shape well-rounded individuals equipped to face the challenges of the dynamic world.

We encourage an atmosphere of curiosity and creativity, where students are empowered to explore their interests and passions. Our emphasis on values, ethics, and leadership ensures that every student not only excels academically, but also contributes meaningfully to society.

I invite you to embark on this educational journey with us. Together, let's inspire a love for learning, foster innovation, and mould future leaders. Bishop Patrick Nair St. Mary’s Christian School is not just a school; it's a community where each student's potential is recognized and celebrated.

Mrs Shobha Sharma

Director (Bishop Patrick Nair St. Mary’s Christian School)
